Assault is not okay

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a man named Brian. At 35 years old, Brian was struggling with mental health issues that affected his behavior and choices. He had developed an unhealthy addiction to pornography, which consumed a significant portion of his daily life and even led him to watch it in public places.

One fateful day, while riding a bus, Brian was engrossed in his tablet, indulging in explicit content. To his surprise, an old nun happened to see him and felt compelled to confront him about his actions. She spoke to him about the dangers of lust and the need for forgiveness, but Brian, being an atheist, brushed off her concerns without much thought. Unbeknownst to him, this encounter would set off a chain of events that would forever change his life.

As Brian exited the bus, he stumbled intentionally, hoping to attract the attention of girls passing by. However, his reputation as a pervert, thanks to the explicit content on his tablet, had preceded him. To his disappointment, no one paid him any heed. Frustrated, Brian remained on the ground, feeling rejected and dejected.

In his moment of despair, Brian's tablet unexpectedly redirected him to a different website, showcasing attractive fictional characters. He mindlessly scrolled through the images, until he stumbled upon a captivating character named Jennifer Rabbit. Instantly infatuated, Brian yearned to find Jennifer Rabbit and even expressed his desire to marry her on Twitter. However, people on the platform responded with laughter, informing him that Jennifer Rabbit was a fictional character and encouraging him to pursue a real human relationship. Some even labeled him as mentally ill, a term that held some truth.

Heartbroken by the realization that Jennifer Rabbit wasn't real, Brian decided to create a fake website promising free iPhones. A vulnerable 12-year-old girl fell victim to his trap, leading to her location being exposed to Brian. Capitalizing on this information, Brian conspired with kidnappers and a hitman to track down the girl. Hours of searching through the streets of New York ensued until they finally located her.

In a cruel twist of fate, the kidnappers seized the girl, and the hitman killed Brian's parents to eliminate any potential witnesses. Brian, unaware of the unfolding events, found himself lured into a place dedicated to sexual assault. It was here that the hitman recorded Brian's heinous acts of assault and rape against the young girl. The footage was subsequently posted on a child pornography website, leading to the hitman's arrest for his involvement in child pornography and murder. Brian, too, was apprehended for his heinous crimes.

News of these horrific events spread like wildfire on social media, and public opinion quickly turned against Brian. Many blamed him for the kidnapping and assault, citing the low-quality footage as evidence that the kidnappers were his accomplices and he was the mastermind behind it all. The police swiftly took note of these claims and arrested Brian, along with his kidnappers, for the sexual assault of an underage girl and the murder of his parents.

In a shocking turn of events, the lawyer assigned to Brian's case turned out to be none other than the old nun he had encountered on the bus. The nun, driven by a deep sense of justice and retribution, saw this as an opportunity to deliver what she believed was a fitting punishment. She ordered Brian and his kidnappers to be publicly executed by hanging, igniting the execution equipment to ensure Brian's descent into eternal damnation.

The news of Brian's execution spread through social media, sparking a mix of relief and satisfaction among those who had followed the dark events. However, the story served as a haunting reminder of the consequences of one's actions and the importance of seeking help and support for mental health issues. It also shed light on the need for greater awareness and protection of vulnerable individuals, particularly children, against online dangers and exploitation.

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